Sherry's Blog:

The Secret of 'Blue Zones' - Part Two

December 2023

The “Blue Zones” continued…

I recently watched the documentary by Dan Buettner on Netflix called “Live to 100: Secret of the Blue Zones”. 

It was a study that was done on 5 places in the world that had the highest number of people living to 100+ years old.

Here is the evidence-based common denominators of all the Blue Zone regions – They call them the Power 9.

The first 4 were covered in our November Blog.


This is the next 5 of the Power of 9:

  • 5) Plant Slant: Beans are the cornerstone of diet. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains round out the rest with meat eaten in small amounts.

  • 6) Wine @ 5: Moderate but regular consumption of wine (with friends and/or food) is part of the Blue Zones lifestyle.

  • 7) Belonging: Being part of a faith-based community adds 4-14 years to life expectancy.

  • 8) Loved Ones First: Having close and strong family connections (with spouses, parents, grandparents and grandchildren) is common with Blue Zone centenarians.

  • 9) Right Tribe: The world’s longest-lived people have close friends and strong social networks.


Those strong social connections that you’ve made with our Staff at Spa Sedona over the years makes us part of your tribe; the place you can come, chat, have a laugh, and exchange stories – plus the connection through human touch. There is nothing better to keep you healthy.

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The Secret of 'Blue Zones' - Part One

November 2023

Have any of you ever heard of “Blue Zones”? I recently watched a documentary by Dan Buettner on Netflix called:

“Live to 100: Secret of the Blue Zone”.

It was a study that was done on 5 places in the world that had the highest number of people living to 100+ years old.

I found it fascinating, and wanted to share some of the most frequent, evidence-based, common denominators of all the Blue Zones regions.

They call them the Power 9.

This is the first 4 of the Power of 9:

  1. Move Naturally: Moving naturally throughout the day — walking, gardening, doing housework — is a core part of the Blue Zones lifestyle.

  2. Purpose: Knowing why you wake up in the morning makes you healthier, happier, and adds up to seven years of extra life expectancy.

  3. Down Shift: Stress is part of life, but Blue Zones centenarians have stress-relieving rituals built into their daily routines i.e. pray, nap, and happy hour.

  4. 80% Rule: People in Blue Zones areas stop eating when their stomachs are 80% full and eat their smallest meal in the early evening.

How can we incorporate these 4 life styles into our daily life?

  • Move it or lose it!
  • Make a to do list each day.
  • Make time to destress daily: meditate, read a book, walk your dog, have a massage.
  • Happy hour anyone?
  • Eat earlier and stop eating before you are full.


Now, I don’t think they mean Happy Hour like I think of Happy Hour…

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Microdermabrasion and What You Need to Know!

October 2023

When I first started out in the spa industry, I knew nothing about Microdermabrasion.

But I was lucky to have had a mentor to walk me through what I needed and what Micro machine I should purchase.

It was a big investment, but he assured me that Micro was so important for my client’s skin care needs. He was right and I have since upgraded my Micro machine for even better results.


  1. What is Micro?
    Micro targets the stratum corneum, the outer layer of the epidermis, where layers of dead skin lie on top of maturing skin. The epidermis also harbours fine wrinkles and other minor skin imperfections.

  2. How does Micro work? 
    An apparatus is used to pull and raise a small section of the epidermis that brings skin impurities to the surface, then a small stream of crystals is projected across the targeted area while simultaneously collecting the used crystals and dead skin for disposal. (Think of sand blasting)

  3. The Results of a Treatment
    After the stratum corneum has been buffed to reveal new and healthy skin; it improves skin texture and increases the effectiveness of creams and lotions that can then absorb into the lower layers of the skin.

  4. How Often Should you have a Micro?
    If you have never had one, we recommend monthly until your Esthetician feels the skin only requires seasonal treatment. During the changing of the seasons is highly recommended.


But Beware!

Not all Micro machines are created equal!

The price of the Micro should tell you what grade of Micro machine is being used.

Also, some prices only include the Micro Treatment, but no facial. After a Micro it is the best time to apply skin care products that can then penetrate deeper into the epidermis of the skin.

At Spa Sedona we are pleased to inform you that we use a state-of-the-art Silhouet-Tone Microdermabrasion machine and includes a facial after your Micro to give you the very best results.

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The Brain Benefits of Massage

August 2023

One of the joys of working at spa reception is seeing the looks on people’s faces when they come out after having a massage. It’s sort of a euphoric look of relaxation. It has been suggested many times that we should have a taxi service to take people home. They’re in la la land.
Here is why:
The Brain Benefits of Massage
Massage can boost your serotonin levels by as much as 30%.
It also decreases stress hormones & raises dopamine levels; which help you create new good habits.
Massage reduces pain, and it also improves sleep, reducing fatigue by increasing serotonin & dopamine which reduces the stress hormone Cortisol.
This is why you come out of your massage looking like you are sleepwalking.

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The Importance of Sleep

July 2023

Sleep is so important – but so elusive sometimes.
It was 5 years ago when sleep, that always came so easily to me, became so very hard. I was not going to take this problem laying down… Well I was, but you know what I mean.
I had all of the side effects of poor sleep; bags & darkness under the eyes, poor mood, foggy memory, plus my complexion was terrible.
After lots of research and trial & error, these are my recommendations for a good night’s sleep:
1)       Have a bedtime routine. Mine: dim the lights, moisturize my face, journal, spray my pillow with Tranquillity spray, apply magnesium cream to ankle and feet, take melatonin/zinc combo pill, start meditation music, turn off the light.
2)       Have a comfortable sleeping area; completely dark and quiet, black out blinds are a must, no TV in the room (that was hard to give up). If you have someone who snores in the room, get another room or ear plugs. Train the dog to sleep on the floor when the lights go out.
3)       The body sleeps and wakes with the sun. Tick your brain by gradually turning your lights off wherever you are in the house before going to bed. It will make your brain think it’s time to sleep.  
The Magnesium Cream was a life saver for pain relief and sleep. As I told you in a previous newsletter, we sell it here at the Spa.
I did find out that your skin repairs itself during sleep as well. The skin recovers moisture while you sleep, hence the bags and circles under my eyes when I was not sleeping well.
These are some of the things that have helped me, maybe they can help you too.

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The Miracle of Magnesium Cream

February 2023

When I broke my ankle 5 years ago, the specialist told me that my chance of getting arthritis in that ankle was something I should watch for. So, I started looking for natural ways I could prevent that. A recommendation from a Naturopath was an anti-inflammatory like Magnesium or Arnica. I knew about Arnica and had taken it orally after my surgery for speeding up healing and for pain. 
We have carried CryoDerm for many years, which is very popular – our RMTs recommend it for muscle pain. Arnica is in this product and I use it for leg cramps at night or on the plane when traveling.
Then CryoDerm came out with a Magnesium Calming Cream with Arnica in it. I started using this on my broken ankle about 4 years ago and it is now part of my nightly routine.
Some of the things I’ve noticed since starting the Magnesium cream: no signs of arthritis or pain, the skin in this area is smoother than my other leg, I sleep better since I read that magnesium cream helps you sleep if you put it on the bottom of your feet, I whenever one of the joints in my hand is aching and I use it there – the pain stops.
  • Topical Magnesium absorbs faster into your system than oral Magnesium.
  • CryoDerm’s Magnesium Calming Cream has Magnesium from Dead Sea Salts & Minerals, MSM, Arnica, Boswellia and ILEX.
I really wanted to share this with all of you, in the hopes that it could help you too. 

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When Do You Make Yourself a Priority?

October 2022

When do people have that “Ah-Ha Moment” when they realize that they have to take care of themselves first? What prompts it?
Is it a Pandemic, a personal life changing event or a mind-altering thought?
Last week, one of our clients told me about her “Ah-Ha Moment”. I have known this client for years; for her privacy I’ll call her Carol.
Carol has a very busy life, caring for aging parents, community & charity involvement, busy social schedule and caring for family.
Carol admitted to me that she had never made time for herself. She would come to the spa, but only if she needed a pedicure for a special occasion.
But since Covid and a personal life changing
event she has started to come regularly.
“I’m addicted to this place” she said. Carol realized it was time to start making herself a priority.
She found that she felt so much better after a service and decided she need to do this regularly for her own selfcare.
Carol’s conversation made me feel so good,
because that is exactly what I want for all of our clients. When you come for services, yes you look good after, but you also receive the health benefits of the “the power of touch therapy” that supports your mental health and makes you feel good.
Let’s give thanks this Thanksgiving for those
“Ah Ha Moments” and make your wellbeing a

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"NEW" Marini Physical Protectant Sunscreen

September 2022

Thank you to those who responded to last month’s Newsletter saying that you found the information on Sunscreen useful.
After much investigation we’ve finally found a sunscreen that covers everything we were looking for! Always keeping in mind that it had to be safe for you and the planet, while still protecting you from the sun; introducing:
  • Broad Spectrum
  • Untinted & Tinted
  • SPF 30 & SPF 45
  • Water Resistant: 40 min. & 80 min.
  • Has an expiry date.
Marini Sunscreen is a top-rated brand that we compared with other top-rated sunscreens. And in our opinion, the Marini Sunscreen had the best application and absorption, left less white residue, and the colour of the tinted sunscreen did not come off on clothes like some of the others.
Even though we are coming to the end of our summer season, you still need sunscreen on your face and neck.
Please come and give our Marini Physical Protectant a try!
Even though this is a Face and Neck Sunscreen, I highly recommend you use it on the backs of your hands as well.

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What You Need to Know About Sunscreen

August 2022

What do you know about Sunscreen? 
After doing a deep dive into researching for a sunscreen brand to carry, I have to say – I knew very little.
Chemical Sunscreens often contain ingredients that are not only harmful to humans, but also, unsurprisingly, to aquatic life and coral reels as well. Many countries around the world have banned sunscreens containing a list of common chemical sun filters in order to prevent further damage.
This is what you need to look for when purchasing a protective and safe Sunscreen. Look for these words on the box:
  • Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB Protection: UVA rays gives you wrinkles, UVB rays gives you a sunburn.
  • Mineral/Natural or Physical: This means it’s made from natural products and does not harm you or the environment. Example; Zinc Oxide or Titanium dioxide as the active ingredients that reflect the sun.
  • Water Resistant: This means it will not come off in water for a certain length of time or mix with your sweat to sting our eyes.
  • Expiry Date: With natural ingredients there MUST be an expiry date.
  • SPF #: This is the percentage of UVB rays that get blocked.
    • SPF 15 blocks 94%
    • SPF 30 blocks 97%
    • SPF 50 blocks 98%
You still have to reapply all the levels after 2 hours or after swimming or sweating. You must use 2 tablespoons of sunscreen product on each application to be protected.
No sunscreen protects you from 100% of the sun’s rays, so it’s important to plan your clothing, hats and other barriers carefully..
You don’t always need Sunscreen for the body and you can purchase for Face & Neck only. 
Also look for sunscreen in your makeup. This has a dual purpose that is very handy. If you are using our Jane Iredale BB Cream, it has SPF 25, our Amazing Base & PurePressed Base has SPF 20 and our Dry Sunscreen has SPF 30.
We’ve got you covered!
Pro Tip: Protect the backs of your hands by putting BB Cream, Amazing Base or PurePressed Base on the back of your hand when you are getting ready in the morning.

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"Touch Therapy"

July 2022

I just returned from the “Leading Spas of Canada” conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba. At the Conference we heard about trends and other related changes in our industry. We heard how the Pandemic has affected our client’s Mental Health and that they are looking for new ways to take care of themselves. The big trend is WELLNESS. People now perceive their visit to the spa as looking after their overall wellness, compared to before the pandemic when the word they used was “pampering”. Clients see their spa visit as ‘self-care’ and have no guilt in booking an appointment. Their well-being is worth it.
Touch Therapy is now being recognized as Health Care Excellence for Mental Health Support. 
With these new trends in mind, you are going to see new “Touch Therapy” services in the future.
A great way to add that Touch Therapy? Add a 30 minute relaxation massage to your waxing. A little WOO! and then Ahhhh!

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Client Appreciation Day, June 15th 2022

June 2022

This June we really do have a lot to celebrate!
Beside the beautiful weather and Father’s Day; We actually get to see Dad, the kids can once again celebrate their Graduations and Proms, we can travel again! Have family gatherings again, go to friend’s cottages, go on day trips, attend weddings & sporting events! 
Like the Joni Mitchell song says: “You don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone.”
We really appreciate being fully open again and seeing all of your beautiful faces. We are back to our full staff once again and look forward to taking care of you!
Our locker rooms are back open and our snacks and tea are ready for you.
To celebrate being back together again, please join us for our Client Appreciation Day on June 15th.

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WaySpa Gift Cards No Longer Accepted

June 2022

As of June 1st, 2022, we will no longer be accepting WaySpa gift cards at Spa Sedona.
For discounted specials please see our Monthly Specials on our website or in our Monthly Newsletter.
We apologize if this may cause any inconvenience.
We look forward to serving you.

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The Snow Storm of January 2022

February 2022

Living in Canada, we should expect a big snow storm now and then. “The Snow Storm of January 2022” will go down in history as one of the best. The thing I loved the most about that storm, was the next day. When the sun came out, the sky was a clear, cloudless, crystal blue, and it was magical… until I had to try to get out of my unplowed street. 
Our big snow storm reminded me so much of the snow we used to get as a kid. Our farm was down a side road and when it snowed, my Dad would have to drive me up to the highway on the tractor to catch the school bus. That really impressed the boys on the bus – at least that’s what I told myself. It never mattered how much snow we got, we still had to go to school. There was no such thing as a “snow day”.
February has lots of things to look forward to: more restrictions lifted, Family Day, Valentine’s Day, and maybe another snow day.  

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The Customer Experience 2022

January 2022

When I started Spa Sedona almost 16 years ago, it was all about the customer experience. That had always been my passion, how did the service make me feel? In a store, hotel, restaurant or even on the phone? Did I walk away going: “Wow, that was a great customer experience”? Or was it “just a transaction” with no experience?
In building Spa Sedona, I wanted to create a place where people walked away going: “That was a great spa experience and I can’t wait to come back”.
Since March 17th, 2020, we have not been able to give you all of the special things that made our Spa Sedona experience – special. Things like our delicious imported teas like Cranberry Hibiscus, our snacks to go with the tea, our locker rooms, cozy robes, lunches with packages, bringing your own wine to enjoy with a service, hosting groups or parties, girls’ night out, baby showers, bridal parties, etc. Even to be able to relax in our relaxation room as long as you want. Long sigh…
But rest assured: as soon as we can bring all of these things back – we are there!
Have a Happy and Healthy 2022!!

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Local Businesses Need You This Holiday Season

December 2021

If you are anything like me, you’re looking forward to having a more NORMAL Christmas this year, compared to last year. Having 3 people for Christmas Dinner instead of the usual 12 is not the same experience.
Business hopefully will be a lot different too. There have been reports on the news that people may not go back to their local businesses. The reasoning being; people have gotten used to shopping the big box stores that were allowed to remain open when small businesses were forced to close. When I heard this, I thought “crap, I just went out and got more winter accessories!”
Even before I heard this, I had been making a point of buying locally and only using Amazon when I couldn’t get the item in a local store.
So, when you’re spending those Christmas dollars – please keep us mind for Gift Cards.

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