Sherry's Blog:
The Secret of 'Blue Zones' - Part Two
December 2023
The “Blue Zones” continued…
I recently watched the documentary by Dan Buettner on Netflix called “Live to 100: Secret of the Blue Zones”.
It was a study that was done on 5 places in the world that had the highest number of people living to 100+ years old.
Here is the evidence-based common denominators of all the Blue Zone regions – They call them the Power 9.
The first 4 were covered in our November Blog.
This is the next 5 of the Power of 9:
- 5) Plant Slant: Beans are the cornerstone of diet. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains round out the rest with meat eaten in small amounts.
- 6) Wine @ 5: Moderate but regular consumption of wine (with friends and/or food) is part of the Blue Zones lifestyle.
- 7) Belonging: Being part of a faith-based community adds 4-14 years to life expectancy.
- 8) Loved Ones First: Having close and strong family connections (with spouses, parents, grandparents and grandchildren) is common with Blue Zone centenarians.
- 9) Right Tribe: The world’s longest-lived people have close friends and strong social networks.
Those strong social connections that you’ve made with our Staff at Spa Sedona over the years makes us part of your tribe; the place you can come, chat, have a laugh, and exchange stories – plus the connection through human touch. There is nothing better to keep you healthy.
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The Secret of 'Blue Zones' - Part One
November 2023
Have any of you ever heard of “Blue Zones”? I recently watched a documentary by Dan Buettner on Netflix called:
“Live to 100: Secret of the Blue Zone”.
It was a study that was done on 5 places in the world that had the highest number of people living to 100+ years old.
I found it fascinating, and wanted to share some of the most frequent, evidence-based, common denominators of all the Blue Zones regions.
They call them the Power 9.
This is the first 4 of the Power of 9:
- Move Naturally: Moving naturally throughout the day — walking, gardening, doing housework — is a core part of the Blue Zones lifestyle.
- Purpose: Knowing why you wake up in the morning makes you healthier, happier, and adds up to seven years of extra life expectancy.
- Down Shift: Stress is part of life, but Blue Zones centenarians have stress-relieving rituals built into their daily routines i.e. pray, nap, and happy hour.
- 80% Rule: People in Blue Zones areas stop eating when their stomachs are 80% full and eat their smallest meal in the early evening.
How can we incorporate these 4 life styles into our daily life?
- Move it or lose it!
- Make a to do list each day.
- Make time to destress daily: meditate, read a book, walk your dog, have a massage.
- Happy hour anyone?
- Eat earlier and stop eating before you are full.
Now, I don’t think they mean Happy Hour like I think of Happy Hour…
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Microdermabrasion and What You Need to Know!
October 2023
When I first started out in the spa industry, I knew nothing about Microdermabrasion.
But I was lucky to have had a mentor to walk me through what I needed and what Micro machine I should purchase.
It was a big investment, but he assured me that Micro was so important for my client’s skin care needs. He was right and I have since upgraded my Micro machine for even better results.
- What is Micro?
Micro targets the stratum corneum, the outer layer of the epidermis, where layers of dead skin lie on top of maturing skin. The epidermis also harbours fine wrinkles and other minor skin imperfections. - How does Micro work?
An apparatus is used to pull and raise a small section of the epidermis that brings skin impurities to the surface, then a small stream of crystals is projected across the targeted area while simultaneously collecting the used crystals and dead skin for disposal. (Think of sand blasting) - The Results of a Treatment
After the stratum corneum has been buffed to reveal new and healthy skin; it improves skin texture and increases the effectiveness of creams and lotions that can then absorb into the lower layers of the skin. - How Often Should you have a Micro?
If you have never had one, we recommend monthly until your Esthetician feels the skin only requires seasonal treatment. During the changing of the seasons is highly recommended.
But Beware!
Not all Micro machines are created equal!
The price of the Micro should tell you what grade of Micro machine is being used.
Also, some prices only include the Micro Treatment, but no facial. After a Micro it is the best time to apply skin care products that can then penetrate deeper into the epidermis of the skin.
At Spa Sedona we are pleased to inform you that we use a state-of-the-art Silhouet-Tone Microdermabrasion machine and includes a facial after your Micro to give you the very best results.
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The Brain Benefits of Massage
August 2023
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The Importance of Sleep
July 2023
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The Miracle of Magnesium Cream
February 2023
- Topical Magnesium absorbs faster into your system than oral Magnesium.
- CryoDerm’s Magnesium Calming Cream has Magnesium from Dead Sea Salts & Minerals, MSM, Arnica, Boswellia and ILEX.

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When Do You Make Yourself a Priority?
October 2022
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"NEW" Marini Physical Protectant Sunscreen
September 2022
- Broad Spectrum
- Untinted & Tinted
- SPF 30 & SPF 45
- Water Resistant: 40 min. & 80 min.
- Has an expiry date.
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What You Need to Know About Sunscreen
August 2022
- Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB Protection: UVA rays gives you wrinkles, UVB rays gives you a sunburn.
- Mineral/Natural or Physical: This means it’s made from natural products and does not harm you or the environment. Example; Zinc Oxide or Titanium dioxide as the active ingredients that reflect the sun.
- Water Resistant: This means it will not come off in water for a certain length of time or mix with your sweat to sting our eyes.
- Expiry Date: With natural ingredients there MUST be an expiry date.
- SPF #: This is the percentage of UVB rays that get blocked.
- SPF 15 blocks 94%
- SPF 30 blocks 97%
- SPF 50 blocks 98%
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