In the last month we have watched as a woman joined Joe Biden as his running mate in the US presidential race. Plus, here in Canada a woman became the first Federal Finance Minister in history.

When I hear the great accomplishments of these women I think of my first position as a bank manager in Pickering.  I was doing a loan application for a very accomplished woman to buy a car.  The application was submitted to credit department but it was returned because they wanted her husband to co-sign on the loan.  WHAT!!! This client made more money than her husband, could carry the loan by herself, had assets of her own, plus the car was for her! (I get worked up just writing this) I was not going to let this one go.  With many back and forth conversations with credit department, speaking to the head of the department and even getting my regional manager involved the deal got approved without the husband’s signature.  This doesn’t seem so long ago but it just shows how things have changed.

Let’s celebrate how things have changed by taking care of ourselves first. Come and take advantage of the Special for our new amazing Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid Facial. 

PS – I have always purchased my own cars with a few funny stories to be told on another day.

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