Life Lessons

Just when you thought you had been given a few life lessons you didn’t expect, BAM, you get another one! On August 29th I broke my ankle in two places and had to have surgery to put in a plate and 7 screws. I slipped on a wet ramp putting my golf clubs away.

I have been non weight bearing since the surgery but have now been put in an air boot and can start partial weight bearing. Not having my mobility has been a tough pill to swallow but I have learned a lot.

These are some of the lessons:

patience, I had none before and now I have to let others help me; my family and friends are wonderful; some people have a hard time when you have a problem and don’t bother with you; don’t push yourself and take time to heal; ask for help when you need it; meditation helps; keep yourself in a positive mindset, if that means watching funny shows do it, it’s very easy to get down when you are not mobile.

Soon as I get back to work full time I’m going for a massage, pedicure and facial. Touch is a great healer.

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