May is for Mothers and Sisters

Every year in May I have always spotlighted Mothers, including Mother-in-laws. I have been blessed to have had both that have enriched my life.

In this newsletter I would like to focus on Sisters. In my young life I was not raised with my two sisters as I was still a baby when they left home to start work. It was only when we got older that my sisters and I became close.

Now that my Mom is gone my sisters have become so important in my life. A few weeks ago my sister Joan and I went to our sister Beverly who lives in Buffalo for the weekend. We spent time together laughing, shopping and telling old stories. Sisterly love!

So this Mother’s Day you may be feeling sad because you don’t have your Mom to spend the day with. But maybe you have a Sister, Aunt or friend that has been like a Mom to you. These women have enhanced your life, celebrate them.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful women that have impacted our lives.

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