A new club I didn’t want to join

I knew this day would come when I would have to write this May Newsletter. In 2007  I first introduced you to my Mom, Mary Dunford who was celebrating her 90th birthday. Each Mother’s Day I would always do a shout out to Mom and let you know how she was doing.  In September Mom passed.  This will be our first Mother’s Day without her. 
Now I join a new club of people that know what it’s like to live without their Mothers.  They too have picked up the phone to call their Mom when something exciting has happened and they want to share. Or they too have made the turn onto their Mother’s street because it’s a force of habit. Then you have this empty feeling that makes you sad, because you remember, she’s not here anymore.

So here is to you Mom, I miss you.
To all our Moms, Grandmothers, Godmothers, Sisters and Aunts, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.

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Last Mother’s day with My Mom, son Jeff, daughter Stephanie and grandson Cooper

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