Tranquillity Message for March 2014

“Your Spirit Restored” That has been Spa Sedona’s tagline since opening in June 2006. This tagline conveyed what I wanted for our clients. My idea for the spa was to create a place that people could come and rejuvenate and restore their spirit. The people like me, working long hours, had long commutes, busy schedules with family, community and caring for others. People who put others first then found themselves stressed and run down. When our clients come out to Reception after having a service they have that calm look on their faces. I know we have lived up to our tagline and it makes me feel so good. You all need to step back and take some time for yourself. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself.

Keeping you healthy is our aim and that includes your skin as well as your spirit. So Anita and I made a decision that we want to keep your skin healthy by giving you a FREE Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup demo. This is a $25.00 savings. Why are we so passionate about Jane? It’s healthy for your skin, no fillers like talc, chemical-free sun protection of SPF 20, Non-comedogenic and oil-free allowing the skin to breathe, anti-inflammatory, does not support bacteria and the vitamins and anitoxidants used are pharmaceutical grade.

Anita and I both use Jane and really see the difference it makes in our skin. Come see the coverage it gives, the fact that it’s healthy for your skin is a bonus.

You can book a demo any day; it’s our gift to your skin.

Sherry Robinson – Owner

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