When do you make yourself a priority?

When do people have that “Ah Ha moment” when they realize they have to take care of themselves first? Is it a Pandemic, a personal life changing event or a mind-altering thought?

Last week, one of our clients told me about her “ah ha moment”. This client I have known for years, for her privacy I’ll call her Carol.  Carol has a very busy life, caring for aging parents, community & charity involvement, busy social schedule and caring for family. Carol admitted to me that she had never made time for herself. She would come to the spa but only if she needed a pedicure for a special occasion. But since Covid and a personal life changing event she has started to come regularly.  “I’m addicted to this place” Carol said. She realized it was time to start making herself a priority. Carol found that she felt so much better after a service and decided she needed to do this regularly for her selfcare.

Carol’s conversation made me feel so good because that is exactly what I want for all our clients. When you come for services, yes you look good after but you also have the health benefit of the “the power of touch therapy” that supports your mental health and makes you feel good.  

Let’s give thanks this Thanksgiving for those “ah ha moments” and make your wellbeing a priority.


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