What a Certified Life Coach can do for you

This month we are offering a session with Certified Life Coach, Sharon Coldwell as part of a package. Some may wonder why we would combine a Life Coach Session with a spa service. But overall wellness means having a balanced life along with physical health. There are times in our lives that the balance of […]

Do you have trouble sleeping?

Try this little exercise.  Type the words “why am I…” into Google.  The first auto complete suggestion, which is based on popular searches, reads “why am I so tired?” Sleep deprivation has become a global epidemic, with over one-third of adults regularly sleep deprived. Think of yourself as a car.  Every time you think, speak, […]

A Different Christmas Day

Last year I got to experience a different way people spend their Christmas Day. Every year we spend December 24th with my family in Peterborough, December 25th with my husband’s family and Boxing Day is our family’s Christmas Day. But last year my husband’s family was going away and we would be alone Christmas Day.  […]


There is something to be said for older women.  I’m not just saying that because I am one, but because of what I have learned from older women since I opened Spa Sedona over 10 years ago. Older women have more wisdom, better understanding of what they want, better understanding of what is important in […]

Sign up for “THE SEDONA ADVENTURE” Trip to Sedona Arizona

Who likes to travel?  Two years ago I took a trip to Sedona Arizona and I took everyone with me by blogging my trip.  After that trip I had people email me that I should do a guided trip to Sedona.  While here it is! The Sedona AdventureMarch 29th – April 5th 2017 What the […]

De-clutter to De-stress

The lazy days of summer are coming to a close and cooler temperatures are here. Fall always gives me that urge to start clearing out, cleaning out and reorganizing. Whether it’s, the changing of seasons, not going to the cottage, or nesting, it’s time to de-clutter. It always makes me feel better when I clean […]

Girl’s Weekend

This past weekend I had my girl’s weekend.  Each year I have a group of women up to the cottage for a little wine, bonding and fun. Over the years I notice that our conversations have changed. When we first started this girl’s weekend we talked about our jobs, life experiences, our kids and our […]

Women really know how to do it right!

This year I got my first set of new golf clubs.  I had always had my husband’s hand me downs. My husband did not see the need for me to get new clubs. His reasoning was that I didn’t golf enough to get a new set. Well, I had a different opinion.  I went out […]


Time flies when you are having fun.  It has been 10 years since Spa Sedona opened and it has been quite a ride.  The first three years were the hardest, by six months I had changed all the staff but two(and they were family).  I went to bed every night saying “what have I done” […]

A new club I didn’t want to join

I knew this day would come when I would have to write this May Newsletter. In 2007  I first introduced you to my Mom, Mary Dunford who was celebrating her 90th birthday. Each Mother’s Day I would always do a shout out to Mom and let you know how she was doing.  In September Mom […]